Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Easy Upcycle. Children's Stacker Toy Makes Fun Coat Rack

So I've been looking for a cute back of the door coat rack to use in Gideon's room to hang his coats.
I perused Ebay and Etsy but just couldn't find anything I liked that was in our budget. And then the other day when I was cleaning out all the toys Gideon doesn't play with any more -  I struck gold.
His old Melissa & Doug Wood Stacker Toy! It is perfect for his room. It has 5 hooks (varying sizes) in fun primary colors. All Mike had to do was screw it onto the back of the door.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Bawk Bawk

It's Valentine's Day and let me count the ways that I love chicken! I'm not much of a beef fan (although Mike is and I did buy filet mignon for a special dinner tonight). We don't like buying chicken that has been given antibiotics and prefer to eat chicken that has been fed all vegetarian food (no yucky animal by-products). Recently we got the opportunity to try Harvestland Chicken for free from Moms Meet.* I purchased a few packages of chicken thighs cuz the boys in this family love dark meat and a few packages of white meat breasts for moi.

We have a Chicken Thigh Blue Apron recipe that we like, so we invited a few friends over to try it with us.

Crispy Chicken Thighs

with Kumquat Relish & Freekeh Salad

Can't blog about the chicken without an extra gratuitous ADORABLE Baby Fraybee photo!! Let me count the ways I adore this little chicken.

Consensus was thumbs up! On both the recipe and the Harvestland Chicken.

We were pretty impressed with the quality and THE PRICE!! It's hard to find affordable all natural, anti-biotic, all vegetarian, raised cage-free chicken that fits in our budget.

For more information on Harvestland and where to purchase it please pop on over here:

Because I also bought white meat I made 2 different batches of chicken salad for lunches. My dad would make chicken salad with leftover chicken and I absolutely love it. I've updated the family recipe with 2 xtra ingredients that gives the standard chicken salad a little different flavor.

Classic Chicken Salad:
Boiled Chicken Breasts - shredded
red onions
grapes - cut in half
I don't measure anything - just do it to taste and preference.

For the updated version I add curry powder and honey. Nom Nom.

For more information on Moms Meet:

*I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agree to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacture of this product.